Please note: recording of the audio or video of the webcast is not allowed
4pm, Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
10 am, Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
6pm, Explanation of the short Ganapuja, in the Gönpa and in webcast
10 am, Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
10 am, Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
10 am, Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
10 am, Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
10 am, Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast
10 am, Teachings of Yeshi Namkhai, in the Gönpa and in webcast